Friday, April 30, 2010

One Week Until Capon 50K

We’re about a week away from the Capon 50K which means it’s taper-time. I like running, but after months of sticking to a training schedule, tapering feels like I’m cutting class... and I love it. Last night’s run with Mandy was a whopping 4 miles – a third of the distance of our mid-week runs from a few weeks ago. Even though I told her I wasn’t making a decision about running a 50-miler until after Capon, I think she’s trying to nudge me into Camp Crazy. She even sent me a modified schedule after I told her I didn’t want to run back-to-back long runs (e.g. 25 miles on Saturday and 25 on Sunday) because that would take up my entire weekend.

Even though more and more people are running ultras, finding a training schedule for a 50k or 50-miler is nearly impossible. The 50k schedule that we’re using is a modified version of the Ultra Ladies schedule from a few months ago. (They seem to have updated their recommended training schedule in the last week and have made some of the long Saturday runs a few miles shorter.) The most significant change we made was to up the 2-mile runs in the early weeks to 6-miles since we already had a decent base. I sure hope this was enough to prepare us for next week.

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