Friday, May 21, 2010

Week in Review

My first week of unemployment, freelancing, rebirth, or whatever you want to call it has been great. This training manual that I'm working on is actually taking up a lot of my time so I've been spending 6-7 hours a day working. As I mentioned before, it's a bartending manual so the content has been really interesting. Today I'm researching and writing about whiskey.

If you're wondering if I've been spending the days in my jammies, the answer is no. I've been forcing myself to still get up early and have been up at 5am to get to the gym (except for today when I slept until 7:30am). I'm abiding by my Working At Home Oath; I'll get to this in another post.

Yesterday was the first nice day of the week so I decided to work outside: loved it.

Steve has been working from home most of the week, but since our work areas are on different floors of the house, we haven't driven each other crazy yet. Having lunch with him most days of the week has been nice.

The only downside so far was something I knew when I took on this project. That is, it doesn't pay squat. Squat as in I could make more money working at Target or Taco Bell. Squat as in I'm not making minimum wage based on the time I've put into it. Do I regret doing this? Heck no! I've never had this much fun writing for work. In the long run I know I'll have to reconsider other options for getting assignments that will at least get me out of the slave labor category. For now, I'm enjoying the work and hope to get a decent reference from the employer.

That's it for now. Back to whiskey....

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