Friday, July 31, 2009

Other Lake Placid Highlights

  • Saw Matt Long - a NYC firefighter who was crushed by a bus. He finished the IM in just under the 17 hour cutoff. He had a group of supporters ushering him into the stadium and the crowd went wild when he entered. More about Matt Long here.
  • Ran a very hilly 18-mile training run with Mandy. We were both beat afterwards.
  • Al and I visited Adirondack Yarns for some yarn lovin.
  • Took a boat ride around Lake Placid (IM swim was in smaller Mirror Lake) and saw several "camps" that were owned by those with more money than moi. One of these "camps" was only used 4 days out of the year. Also learned that the deepest part of Lake Placid is 200+ feet deep.
  • We visited the Olympic ski jump and actually saw a few people going off the jump. Pretty cool, mildly insane.

  • Rode up to Whiteface Mountain and walked through a tunnel that went through the mountain. It was a balmy 38 degrees in the tunnel. From there, we took an elevator 27 stories to the top of the mountain.

Lake Placid IM Race Recap

Our gang of supporters got to Mirror Lake (the site of the swim) around 6am. It rained off and on so I was worried that it was going to be a repeat of last year's day-long downpour, but the rain finally stopped a little after 7am. Steve finished his 2.4 mile swim in about 1 hour 30 minutes - much faster than we all anticipated.
The 112 mile bike took him about 6.5 hours. We found a good spot to catch him go by and were able to see him once on each 56 mile loop.

Steve stopped to talk to us around mile 13 of the 26.2 mile run. He was cramping a lot and was having to take more walk breaks than he expected. Despite this, he still managed to finish his first Ironman in just under 14 hours (13 hours, 59 minutes, and 41 seconds to be exact).

More pics on shutterfly.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Settling Into LP

We left our house yesterday at 4:30am and got into Lake Placid around 2:30pm. Not bad considering we stopped twice. Our rental home is ginormous! It's more house than I'd ever want, so I'm glad we're only here for a week because I couldn't imagine having to keep it clean and tidy. It also has some unexpected features including a butt fountain - known to most people as a bidet:

And a sauna.
With the exception of Al, everyone else who is staying with us will be here later today. It'll be nice to have more people here so that I don't feel like I've broken into someone's home.
I went for my first run this morning and dreaded every downhill I ran because I knew I'd have to come up that same hill eventually. Besides that, it was awesome. Crisp air with the faint scent of pine.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Originally uploaded by cherrydg

Dillsburg, PA - 2 hrs into our trip

Monday, July 13, 2009

Erasable Day

Wouldn’t it be nice to have one day where you could do or say whatever you wanted without consequences and then have that entire day erased? Imagine if you could rear-end the person who cut you off… repeatedly; door ding the car of those people who just can’t manage to stay within the lines with a baseball bat; and say what is really on your mind to those annoying co-workers. Then, when the next day rolls along, it would be as if none of it ever happened. No one would remember anything you said. All property damage would be taken care of.

I just haven’t decided if I’d want to remember the day. Part of me would like to, but part of me worries that I might enjoy something so much I’d do it again even if I had to face the consequences. What would you do on your erasable day?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Playing with Hair


Blonde (oh so wrong):

And as a messy brunette:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cupcakes Actually

Cupcakes Actually
Originally uploaded by cherrydg

Flourless chocolate (mine) and choco pb (steve)

Training Injury

Steve's bruised toe and toenail.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Today's WTF Finding

Seen on Craigslist....
Females needed for Community Car Wash, July 18th (Minnesota Ave, NE DC)

Local urban retailer is looking for female promotional models for community carwarsh/cookout on Saturday, July 18th. from 1p-7p ( can work in shifts)
Must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
Must also be height/weight proportionate.
Uniform will be a white baby tee w/logo printed across chest and matching shorts.
Race unimportant.
Since this is a charity event, it is unpaid. Proceeds will go towards funding for our Community Outreach Department.

I can't help but wonder what bimbo would voluntarily stand around in their uniform for free.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Soundtrack: Going to Work

Certain activities make me think of certain songs. Lately, when I walk into work the song Another Day by Wings (it’s an oldie) pops into my head because it is just another day. BTW, I think it has to do with the monotony and predictability of my workday and not my search for the man of my dreams.

Every day she takes a morning bath as she wets her hair,
Wraps a towel around her, as she's heading for the bedroom chair,
It's just another day.

Slipping into stockings,
Stepping into shoes,
Dipping in the pocket of her raincoat.
Ah, it's just another day.

At the office where the papers grow she takes a break,
Drinks another coffee, and she finds it hard to stay awake,

It's just another day. Du du du du du
It's just another day. Du du du du du
lt's just another day.

so sad, so sad,
Sometimes she feels so sad.
Alone in her apartment she'd dwell,
Till the man of her dreams comes to break the spell.

Ah, stay, don't stand around
And he comes and he stays
But he leaves the next day,
So sad.
Sometimes she feels so sad.….

July 4th Weekend

Friday – Gotta love long weekends! Met up with folks from the running group to tackle our long run over Thomas Mill. Thomas Mill Road is about a mile long but has the most challenging hills in the area that aren’t up a mountain. Our treat for finishing the run were breakfast sandwiches at South Street Under – Mmm mmm. Later that day we saw Ice Age 3. Cute, but a little slow. The first Ice Age is still my favorite. Mosied around Algonkian Park for a while since it was a nice day. That night we watched Slumdog Millionaire. It was probably one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. Emotionally draining for me so I don’t think I could watch it again, but definitely worth seeing if you haven’t seen it already.

Saturday – Headed into Ashburn for the group run and ended up running with one of my former co-workers. It was fun to talk about running and nothing at all about my former employer. Worked on my cardigan for a little while before heading over to my MIL’s house. Spent the afternoon hanging out at her pool before walking a few blocks to watch the fireworks.

Sunday – Went to the gym since I only made it in once the week before. Ran some errands with Esteban before collapsing on the couch