Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend Recap

Friday – Decided to leave work early. Something about having to be at work by 6:30 a.m. for two weeks straight was starting to wear on me – go figure. Did a little shopping, went to the gym, then ran some errands. Steve was in FL for a race this weekend so I spent the evening crocheting a gift for someone and watching some shows that we had recorded.

Saturday – Had planned to run a 12-miler but ended up doing 14 and feeling every last bit of the last few miles. Hard to believe that this distance felt easy just over a month ago. That afternoon I skipped off to the second half of my magic loop knitting class to finish my baby cap. Diggin’ the technique, and diggin’ the instructor Marena. After class I stopped by Red Dog Spa to see how Terri was doing and to pick up a gift. I had planned to spend the evening finishing the crochet gift but ended up mumbling an extraordinary amount of profanities. It turns out that (1) I didn’t buy enough yarn to finish the gift so I’ll need to buy more, and (2) the rest of the yarn I had was so tangled up that I spent about 2 hours trying to untangle it before decided I should to go to bed.

Sunday – So much for sleeping in; I was wide awake at 5:30. Did laundry, planted some flowers I had picked up from Home Depot, ordered more yarn, and finished untangling the mess I had from the night before. By 10 a.m. I felt like I needed a nap but had to head up to my parents because we were taking Dad out for a belated birthday lunch. We went to some sushi/hibachi/fried stuff buffet that was so-so especially considering how long it took to get there. The highlights of my meal were the mussels and fried plantains. The big lunch was followed by a food-induced coma at my parents’, ice cream, and a hot hour-long drive back to NoVA.

That’s it. I have to head back to the customer site 2 days this week for makeup classes (boo hiss) but am hoping that the week goes by fast. Next weekend: AUSTIN!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Magic Loops and Bikes

Better late than never.

Friday – TV catch-up night and early bedtime for me. I was zonked from having to be at work early all week and from not sleeping well the night before.

Saturday – 10-miler with the Ashburn group followed by a class on this magic-loop knitting technique that I’ve been wanting to learn. (More on the magic-loop coming soon for those that want to know more.) Good class and the instructor Marena was a pretty interesting character as well. The only downside is that I now have 4 concurrent yarn projects going at once. For dinner Steve and I went to Red Robin for some burgers and beers.

Sunday – Crepes with strawberries and Nutella. By the way, if you’ve never had Nutella before you need to let me know so that I can send you some for your birthday.

After breakfast Steve talked me into finally trying the bike that a friend of ours had let me borrow. The last time I was on a bike was when I was about 11 and living in Hawaii . I was riding my friend’s bike down a hill when she yelled, “The brakes don’t work!” I panicked and ran into the side of a parked car. Being that that was my last memory of being on a bike and that it was 25 years ago, I could’ve used some training wheels during the first 10 minutes. I’m sure I entertained the people in the office building of the parking lot where I was riding around but whatever. They should be thankful I didn’t run into any of their cars. I’m not quite ready to make my debut on the W&OD bike trail, but hopefully by mid-summer when I’m a little more stable and learn to gradually apply the brakes. Did some weeding (or is un-weeding?) and other unexciting chores before meeting my friend Shelly in Frederick for a late lunch. Her and I have been friends since 8th grade but unfortunately don’t get to see each other very often these days. Headed back to the homefront where Steve was making some chicken enchiladas.

Wash your hands

Wash your hands
Originally uploaded by cherrydg

In case you needed help

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ethiopian food

Ethiopian food
Originally uploaded by cherrydg

Nice surprise from a co-worker

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Is this:
(a) An overboiled egg, or
(b) My brain after having to be at work at 6:30am all week?

Fruit of the Day

Fruit of the Day
Originally uploaded by cherrydg

Japanese pear

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Failing Grade: D

Last week I went for a routine physical. Today I get a letter telling me that my vitamin D level was 32; normal range according to the NOVA Medical Group is 60-100. Hmmm... not sure what to think because according to this NIH page, normal levels are between 16-74. I'm not a numbers person, but that's quite a difference don't ya think?

Whatever the normal range is and where I fall in that range, vitamin D deficiency could be due to lack of exposure to sunlight. I interpret this as I should go to the beach immediately. It's better for me to be safe than sorry when it comes to my health. Hawaii anyone?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Colors of lunch

Colors of lunch
Originally uploaded by cherrydg

Purple yam and ham

Monday, April 13, 2009

Return of the Living Dead

Better known as Easter.

Friday – Steve made chicken coconut curry for dinner – mighty tasty considering the sauce was fresh from the jar. Lounged around and watched the episode of Harper’s Island that we had recorded. First episode wasn’t too bad. Now that we have a DVR I’ll probably continue to record it until it becomes too cheesy and/or too predictable.

Saturday – I had planned to go for a run but the monsoon-like conditions convinced me to wimp out and go to the dry, warm gym instead. Ran a few errands then spent the afternoon posting a bunch of patterns I know I’ll never use up on Etsy. Hopefully someone will bite and take a few of these off my hands. Low key evening eating Chipotle, finishing our taxes, and watching My Cousin Vinny. Yes kids; this is what happens in a crappy economy and your significant other spends the day biking more miles than you’ve driven.

Sunday – Sunday was the spring version of Thanksgiving. It started at my parents’ where we had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard. Amusing especially since my Dad didn’t seem to try very hard to hide the eggs. Feast #1 consisted of a fried turkey, fried roast, an assortment of sides, and of course Filipino “potatoes” a.k.a. rice. Feast #2 was at Helen’s house and included ham, lamb, roasted potatoes, and these yummy fruit tart things with vanilla ice cream.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Yarn-o-rama Weekend

Friday - Had Dick and Tracy over for dinner. (Two people, not to be confused with Dick Tracy. Just like Randy and Travis are two different nephews not be confused with the country singer Randy Travis.) I usually see them several times a week at the gym, but it's only in 3-5 minute spurts so it was nice to talk for an extended period of time.

Saturday - Met up with the Ashburn running group and ran a 10-miler with Mandy. Her and I ran alot together when I was training for the first MCM and first National Marathon I ran. After the 2008 MCM, our training schedules hadn't lined up so it was great to catch up with her. Saturday afternoon I took a beginning knitting class at Capital Yarns. I had taught myself how to knit a few years ago but figured I could use some formal "edumacation". I was the only person in the class so it ended up being a private lesson. Score! I had a great time checking out their stash of yarns. So many colors, textures, and prices. The yarns ranged from $3 to $80. Spent the rest of the afternoon finishing up the crochet shrug I had been working on and started knitting a scarf.

Went to Big Bowl in Reston for dinner and promptly fell asleep when we got home.

Sunday - Went out for an early morning solo run, had breakfast and weeded (or is it unweeded?) the back yard. I was going to visit Terri at Red Dog Spa but she was actually in Baltimore so instead I went to Joann's in Leesburg. Came home, did some more knitting, and also took the Campbell Interest and Skills Survey. I had seen it mentioned in a magazine and figured I'd put out the $18 to see what it had to say. Verdict: I need a do-over. I'll post more about the results another time after I've had a chance to go over them more thoroughly.

Below are pics of the shrug. It actually turned out better than I thought it would. Yay me.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thousand Watch Project

A co-worker donated a watch (#491) to the Thousand Watch Project.