Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sisters vs/ Betty and Lala

Our bus to NYC ended up leaving a few minutes late because some woman's friend was late. We'll call the non-late woman Betty because she was just a b*tch, and her friend will now be known as Lala because she was a space cadet lacking a few brain cells. Not even 5 minutes into the trip Betty, who was sitting behind Steve and I, started complaining loudly that she was not going to be able to sleep because Steve had the reading light above us on. "Oh my god! How am I going to sleep? Can you believe this guy is reading? What's wrong with him? Who the hell reads on the bus?" Blah, blah, blah. Enough!

Me: Ya know what? There's an empty seat up front. Why don't you move up there?
Betty: Why don't you move?
Me: Because I'm not the one complaining.

She shut up about the light but spent the entire ride up complaining about anything and everything. "Are they ever going to start the movie? The volume on the TV isn't loud enough. The TV picture sucks. It's too cold on this bus. These seats are uncomfortable." Will someone please put her out of her misery?

At the rest stop, Betty, Lala, and crew had to be rounded up because they weren't on the bus after the 20 minute stop. Pain in the asses.

Before getting off the bus in NYC, our driver and the lady who coordinated the trip made it very clear that we had to be on the bus by 7:00pm to go home. If you're not on the bus, the driver could not wait around and risk getting a very expensive ticket. Well, Betty is on the bus, but wouldn't you know it, Lala is missing. Betty thinks that Lala is standing outside, so the coordinator lady gets out and finally finds Lala. Turns out Lala got on the wrong bus because she didn't pay any attention to what bus we were on. If I were her, I would have been embarassed and felt awful for making everyone else wait. Instead Betty and Dip Sh*t Deluxe laughed about how funny they thought the whole situation was and how they hated this bus trip because they didn't like being told what time they had to be somewhere. Um... it's a bus trip. What did you expect?

Riding back to MD, one of the girls on the bus asked if they could put it in a movie she brought. So the driver puts it in and Lala and Betty start up with "What is this stupid movie? I don't want to watch this. Ugh! Isn't there something better to watch?" I dozed off to this but woke up because my sister snapped. I guess Betty had continued complaining and making snarky remarks when other people on the bus would laugh at the movie. My sister finally had enough and told Betty, "Would you stop complaining?! People are trying to watch the movie!"

My sister is friends with the coordinator lady and told her just how annoying Lala and Betty were. Coordinator lady says they will never be invited or allowed back on this trip. Yay!

1 comment:

M. said...

I'm surprised no one else told those two ditz off.