Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Weekend Recap

Thursday: We had a costume contest at work and surprisingly had 20+ people dress in costume. Being that our company primarily does work in aviation, we had a "Best Aviation" category. Both my project manager (left) and our intern from Germany (right) had the same idea.

Friday: Not much to say for Halloween. We were invited to a party, but opted not to go. The highlight of my day was finding a cashmere sweater at Nordstrom Rack. I've always wanted one, but never wanted to pay the price. I stumbled across this lime green sweater on the clearance rack which was originally priced at $168. My price: $14.69. Score!

Spent the night handing out candy to kids who no longer say "trick or treat" or "thank you." I actually found myself asking those little boogers who simply held their pillow cases open as if I owed them something, "What are you going to say?" Should I just hand you my wallet? Or perhaps you'd prefer my TV? Ugh. Maybe I should have gone to that party after all.

Saturday: Went to the gym in the morning then spent most of the day painting our living room. Two more walls to do before I'm finally done with the living/dining area.

That afternoon we went to Eric and Kelly's wedding in Burke. The reception was at the Fairfax Country Club - very nice. There were a handful of people there who I used to work with so it was nice to catch up with them. More pictures from the wedding on Shutterfly.

Sunday: Ran for the first time since the marathon. Steve and I decided to make it a "field trip run" at Carderock where we ran along the C&O Canal which was a nice change from W&OD.

After our run we headed to my parents. Took a quick trip to the Filipino store for some goodies and then spent the rest of the afternoon feasting on some crabs.

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Zarebski said...
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