Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wii World of Sports

It was a wild day of Wii bowling at the office. In an unexpected upset that shocked the Wii world, the previously undefeated Ash Kickers, lost to the 4-1 Ice Cream Dream Team. (Unfortunately, neither of which is my team.) Team Cobra Kai tasted its first kill as they defeated Two Turkeys in a tight match. The Write Stuff, a junior team of tech writers, continues to struggle. Earlier this week they lost in a close game to The Wedgies - ouch. Today, a substitute player was brought in to replace the ill star player in their game against the Double-Wide Dream Team; it was a hit and run that brought the Double-Wide's record up to 2-4. Although this was only the sub's second Wii bowling game, he still managed to beat yours truly's score of 114. My Wii Mii seemed to sob uncontrollably at the new record low since the start of the league.


M. said...

Which team are you on???

Anonymous said...

LOL... hysterical! The names are priceless. Just got the Wii for my bday and I've seen my Wii Mii get rather upset when losing. I'm not sure if that's giving the best message to children. "Ha ha, loser! You big cry baby!" Oh well.