Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekend Recap

Friday - Dinner at Chez Helen's (mom-in-law) with Steve's sister Christine and her 3 kids. We all talked to their older bro Rob out in Houston who was waiting for Hurricane Ike to visit.

Saturday - Sweaty morning run around the neighborhood, followed by breakfast and resealing the shower. (Yay! It's finally done.) Steve and I headed off to Rockville to pick up our race packets for Sunday's half-marathon. Picked up a gift for my brother Rob at the running store and picked up one of those foam rollers while we were there. We tried the roller on our IT bands (band that runs from your hip down to the knee) and that !@#$ing thing brought tears to our eyes. After our mini torture session we stopped by a party that one of the guys from our running club was having for a few hours. Came home, had dinner and lights out.

Sunday - Alarm went off at 4:30 so that we could get our butts over to Rockville for the race. Don't ask - I can't tell you how often I ask myself why I do this. Even at 7:00 when the race started it was already hot and humid; this was going to be ugly. Steve and I ran the first 10 miles together at a decent pace, but he decided to slow down after mile 10 while my sweaty, nasty self tried to keep up the same pace. I finished the 13.1 miles in 1:57 and some odd number of seconds. Steve finished a few minutes later. After chowing down on some post-race fruit, bagels and pizza we drove to Mom & Dad's to shower and celebrate Robby's bday. Well, there wasn't too much partying going on since I napped while the boys watched football. We feasted on steamed crabs and an assortment of filipino ice creams (see blog entry below). Flavors this time included mango, fruit and bean, and corn and cheese. It was more corny than cheesy, but tasty.


Anonymous said...

Hey, haven't jumped on your blog in a bit... sorry. HOWEVER, I'm so impressed with your half finishing time. You're amazing! (Hi to Steve and the BDAY boy too). Morgan and I have been having trouble with MCM training with injuries and wedding planning so running 12 yesterday was little tough. The pressure's on now though!!! That foam roller looks scary, but does it work???

CherryDeGrassi said...

Hey Rae! The foam roller hurts like hell. Kinda like if you were walking across the street and a car hit you. Time will tell if it actually loosens the IT band up.

Anonymous said...

Have you been having trouble with your IT? Let me know if it works. I've been rolling an eskrima stick... and it does hurt like hell.