Monday, September 22, 2008

Weekend Recap a.k.a. Trying to Breathe

Saturday - Ran a great 18-miler then started feeling "cootie-ish" after breakfast. Did some chores and hoped that it was just my allergies acting up. I started feeling worst as the day went on so I spent most of the afternoon camped out on the sofa. By early evening it was clear that I officially have a cold. This doesn't happen often and this is such bad timing with the relay coming up on Friday and having to be at the customer site for the following 2 weeks doing training. Ugh. Sorry, back to the weekend...

Steve and I met up with Kim and Steve (a couple who did the St. Anthony's triathlon with him) at Haandi in Bethesda for some delicious Indian food. Despite feeling like I was chewing with my mouth open the entire night it was great to catch up with them. Kim is a nurse in the Navy and they'll be moving to Japan in November. I'm so excited for them! Of course the biggest downside to their move is that they'll need to figure out another way to keep up with Lost since it can be downloaded overseas.
We've all already talked about Steve and I coming to visit and doing a marathon or tri while we're there.

Spent the remainder of Saturday night and early Sunday morning gasping for air. Congestion sucks monkey butts.

Sunday - Managed to get out of the house to run some errands including buying a new pair of running shoes. :) Cross your fingers, toes, eyes, and whatever other body parts are crossable that I'm able to breathe and run by the time the Ragnar Relay rolls around.

1 comment:

M. said...

Japan! How awesome. You'll be getting Japanese postcards and other goodies! I have a cold too! Everyone is getting it. I think I'm slowly getting over mine though.