Monday, June 30, 2008

Last day as a slacker

After 10 days of being on "staycation", I have to go back to work tomorrow. Not much to show for my time off other than a few new sewing projects, and several different paint colors on our fireplace. I had grand plans of painting our living/dining area, but should have known that wasn't going to happen since it takes me months to pick a color. Here's a quick recap of last weekend:

Saturday - Helped Christy and Taylor set up for Dylan's 2nd birtday party. We couldn't stay for the actualy kid-fest, so we figured we'd help with the pre-party activities. Grabbed a quick lunch and nap at home before the Twilight 4-miler that we both were running in. The race started at 6:30 and it was f-ing hot. I finished in about 36 minutes (boo), but boy wonder Steve finished in 31:24.

Sunday - Went out for an 8-miler since I didn't get a long run in on Saturday. Made a brunch of tomato/feta omelettes and crepes w/ strawberries. Headed over to Helen's for some swimming time with the family and to celebrate Randy's 17th birthday. The Grassi/Ronquillo/Mitchell clan then headed to Outback for more face stuffing. The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that tomorrow is a really good day for you! :)
