Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day weekend recap

Saturday - A day of domestic glamour. Okay, maybe "glamour" is the wrong word. I figured I was already sweaty and stinky from my run so I decided to finally begin waterproofing our deck. Kudos to Steve for not locking me out. The last two times I've waterproofed the deck he locked me out. The first time it happened I had painted myself into a little square by the door and was about to scoot into the house to finish the section by the door only to find that my dear husband had locked me out. Jerk. He finally came in from the garage about 40 minutes later. The last time he did it I was still working on the railings and at least wasn't confined to a 2' x 2' square. Good thing because he had gone to his mom's house in Leesburg for a few hours.

We also took the Jeep's hard top off. Jeepy is sunbathing in our drive topless as I write this and her headlights are not on. Went to Mimi's Cafe for dinner and ordered the fried pickles as an appetizer. They were curious and tasted okay but were definitely too greasy for my liking.

Sunday - Sewing class during the day, then Steve and I went to his Aunt Patt's for a BBQ.

Monday - Took a ride through some purty parts of Loudoun County that I had never been to. Went to Helen's for some quality pool time with the family.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sudden death

Unfortunately I'm not talking about some sport. John, a project manager for one of the projects that I support died unexpectedly. He called in sick on Friday. Monday rolled around and he was still not in the office and no one had heard from him. On Tuesday two of my co-workers who are friends with John went to his house, busted in, and found him; it looks as if he died in his sleep sometime over the weekend. Crazy. So quick. Without warning. He was only 43.

We have a deadline that we're all supposed to be working towards but I think we're all pretty distracted by John's death. I'm finding handwritten notes from John for edits that he wants included in the manual. I look through old e-mails for information that I need and find silly comments that John has made in his messages. It's amazing how much of an impression we all leave with one another without ever realizing it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More birthday presents!

UPS delivered this from Mom & Dad today. They know I can't make a pot of coffee to save my life so this one will do it for me.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekend Recap

Friday - Steve surprised me with an ice cream cake after dinner since we didn't have cake on my actual birthday. I love extended birthday surprises!

Saturday - Headed up to Baltimore with Maricel for a pet trade show. Our friend Terri is opening a dog spa later this year and invited us to check out the show. Yes, I know that I don't own a dog, but just go with it.

Interesting assortment of people, products, and pups (Faith the two-legged dog was there: After sampling some human-edible dog treats (pretty tasty ~ or maybe I was just really hungry) we headed over to the harbor and grabbed grub at the Cheesecake Factory. Did some quick shopping in B'more before making the trek back to VA.

Oh! Birthday day 3 continues. Maricel gave me an apron kit for my birthday. Plus I came home to find a package the coffee that my parents ordered for me on my front porch. The actual coffee maker is supposed to be here any day.

Sunday - Early morning run around the neighborhood. Spent the day in a sewing class learning how to make a blouse.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I love May 15

Happy birthday to me! I love my birthday and always take the day off of work (well, except for twice in my life where I HAD to work). Started the day off by going to the gym and then went to get the caterpillars tamed (a.k.a. eyebrows waxed) and a facial (which never happened, but that's a whole 'nother story). Did some quick shopping for house stuff then came back home to work on some sewing projects that I've been wanting to get to and was able to finish two dresses. Steve came home and said that my bday gift was a new sewing machine (yippee) but I had to pick it out since he knows nothing about them. We went to Big Bowl for dinner and got back with plenty of time to watch Lost. The End.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


One of the running message boards had a link to this little contraption that allows women to do as the guys do and tinkle wherever. I promise I'm not making this up:

Monday, May 12, 2008

Weekend recap

Friday - Chipotle and reruns of the Dog Whisperer - what else.

Saturday - Woke up to pouring rain and decided to go to the gym instead of running in the rain. Glad I did since I was able to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while. Ran some errands and spent most of the day baking cookies (crispy chocolate chip, sugar, and pine nut) like a mad Keebler Elf.

Sunday - Headed out at 6:00 a.m. for a 12 mile run with Steve. Showered and then headed to Leesburg to have Mother's Day breakfast at Steve's mom Helen. Yummy breakfast of egg casserole, potatoes, red chile, French toast, fruit, crepes, and of course mimosas. Registered Randy (16 yr old nephew) for his first mini-triathlon as an early birthday gift then headed up north to my parents. Meal #2 consisted of way too much Chinese food that Mom was craving. After some early birthday cake and ice cream for moi, got back on the road for the 1 1/2 hour long trip home in the torrential downpour.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Are you alive?

So it's no secret that I suck at keeping in touch. To make matters worst, Steve sucks even more than I do at keeping in touch with people. Don't take it personally. We think about lots of people all the time. You just don't realize it because we don't call, or e-mail.

In an attempt to answer the questions, "Where've you been?" and "What have you been up to?" I present to you this blog. Taa-daa.