Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer of Scanning

Our new scanner has a feeder so I'm making full use of it and scanning old photos. You know, from back in the day when we actually took film in to get developed?

Here are a few from when Steve and I first met. We were working for the same company and they'd send us (and another person) out on the road for three weeks at a time. You can probably tell from the gargantuan hole behind us that this was taken at the Grand Canyon. I think this was one of our weekend road trips while we were working in Fort Huachuca, AZ. It's probably hard to tell, but Steve is wearing the cut-off, paper-thin Harley t-shirt that I dreaded oh so much.

I think this next one was taken by our friend Rina at a rest stop somewhere in the middle of hell. Hell being somewhere between El Paso, TX and Albuquerque, NM where there was nothing to look at and no radio stations.


M. said...

omg how friggin' cute!

CherryDeGrassi said...

Ha! I just realized that I have the same outfit on in both pics.