Monday, June 21, 2010

How goes it?

I got a call from my Dad last week that went something like this:

Dad: How are you?
Me: Great!
Dad: How's the, ya know, um, er going?
Me: Work?
Dad: Yah. That.

We had a similar conversation yesterday and I'm sure we'll have it again next week. While my parents outwardly show their support for my recent employment decision, I think they're worried and I can see why. These are the same people that have always encouraged me to go the safe, conventional, low-risk route in life. I'm surprised they didn't try to ground me or take away my car keys when I told them I was quitting my job.

"So how are things going?" you wonder. Pretty good. Don't get me wrong; I won't be running off to retire on some tropical island any time soon, but I am loving my new life. I finished up the bartending project and am waiting to hear back on a few other projects that I bid on. Somone from my last company contacted me and asked me to work on a few training packages for them so it looks like that'll keep me busy for a few months.

I think the hardest thing to get used to (besides the steady paycheck) are the "Now that you're not working...." comments and references to my "unemployed life" from people I consider friends. At first these comments really got under my skin, but I've just come to realize that these people will never understand wanting to get out from under "the man" to do your own thing. Their snide remarks are noted and dismissed.

Then there are those of you who have been encouraging and sincerely concerned. I find it funny that the people who I've gotten the most support from are former co-workers. I'm not sure what that says about the places I've worked, but it's an interesting observation. To you peeps I send a big thanks and a hug!

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