Thursday, March 18, 2010

Japan Day 9: Last Day

Slept in then took the subway to meet the Gerbers at their hotel. They were staying at a military hotel in Tokyo that offered a Sunday champagne brunch. I hadn’t realized how much I missed American-style breakfasts until I had that first bite of scrambled eggs and bacon. Steve was totally down with the soft-serve ice cream that he sandwiched between waffles. Even thought it was raining again, we headed over to Mori Tower to see if we could check out the view from the top. We didn’t realize we’d have to pay to go up so we skipped it and practiced more jumping poses in front of the building. (Yes, we were running out of places to see in Tokyo .)

We did venture over to Akihabara, the well-known electronics district in Tokyo . We wandered around some 8-floor store which was like Best Buy on steroids. The place was jam-packed with people like it was Christmas Eve. Personally, I had more fun in the grocery stores. Steve and I were both starting not to feel well, and since the Gerbers had to make the trip back home we decided to part ways at the subway station.

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