Thursday, March 18, 2010

Japan Day 8: Food and Fun

Steve and I grabbed egg sandwiches at some coffee shop before heading into Shibuya to meet the Gerbers. We all agreed that the previous night’s dinner was a ripoff and that we would make up for it today. We walked across Shibuya Crossing which is this mesh of intersections. Walking across it doesn’t seem like such a big deal, but when you watch it from above you get a better appreciation for the mass of humanity that is able to make it across the street when the lights are red. The first stop in our food-fest was some Korean BBQ place. The great thing about hanging out with the Gerbers is that their appetites are about as voracious as ours. We finished the BBQ and decided to order a couple of rice bowls since all of us were still hungry.

Next stop was Asakusa to check out Sensoji temple. By this point, I had seen enough temples that unless they lit up or had gnomes dancing around them, they weren’t going to stand out. It was cold and rainy (again) so what better way to inject some sunshine than with some ice cream. I was still on the hunt for the wasabi ice cream my co-worker told me about, but had to settle for almond jelly since wasabi wasn’t an option. It tasted like amaretto and tasted yummier than the “jelly” in its name suggested. Steve decided to test out the rose-flavored ice cream and all I can say is that it did actually taste like roses. It was very subtle and one of those things you’d have to try to understand.

We expended some energy as the Gerbers attempted to teach Steve and I how to perfect their jumping poses.

Of course, all this jumping meant that we needed to stop by the nearest convenience store for some mochi-covered ice cream and some kind of Goldfish-like treat minus the cheese flavor that was filled with what tasted like the same filling used in strawberry Pop-Tarts. We trekked back to Shibuya and got a few laughs at some novelty store that was a cross between Wal-mart and Spencers. Imagine boarding the plane with one of these neck pillows.

Dinner was at a nearby izakaya (think tapas) where we dined on various types of sushi, dumplings, chicken and who knows what else, and mango sours to wash it all down.

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