Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Trapped in a Snow Globe Recap

Friday night we went to my company's holiday party and stayed just long enough for drinks and dinner before making a dash for the door.
Spent Saturday watching movies including Up, Inglorious Bastards, and Marley and Me. Loved Up, except for that it made me cry in the first 5 minutes, Inglorious Bastards was a dud because Steve accidentally got the original from RedBox instead of the new version with Brad Pitt, and Marley and Me was kinda slow but it was either that or channel surfing.

Also finished up a hat I was knitting for my bro. I was a little disappointed in how it turned out because the swirls on top aren't as pronounced as I expected them to be (click here to see what I mean). I probably screwed up somewhere but didn't want to undo it since Christmas is just a few days away.

Oh well. I do like the color.

After a pancake and eggs breakfast on Sunday, we shoveled and shoveled. Then we shoveled a path to the mailbox. Then we decided to shovel our neighbor's car out since he just had neck surgery. (That's my good deed for the year; no more.)

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