Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What's up?

Yes, I know I’ve been MIA from this blog lately. Here's a quick rundown of what's been goin' on.

* December’s snow screwed up my training for Tokyo a bit, so I’ve been trying to be super-diligent about getting my runs in the last few weeks. This past Saturday’s run was probably one of the hardest runs I’ve ever done. If anyone plans to stroll the W&OD over by Leesburg, the trail detour is a hilly b*tch (16% grades in some areas).

* Speaking of running, here’s a preview of other races I'm running in 2010 so far:
February 28 – Tokyo Marathon
March 20 – National Marathon
April 25 – GW Classic 10-miler
May 8 – Capon 50K
June 5 or 6 – North Face Marathon or Half-Marathon
September 11 – VA Happy Trails Women's Half-Marathon
October 16 – Tussey 50-miler (if Capon goes well)
November – either the Richmond Marathon or Philly Marathon

* I've been doing some research on what we want to see while we're in Japan. We get to Tokyo on a Friday, will run the marathon on Sunday, and then head down to Kyoto on Monday. We'll make Kyoto "home base" for a few days and hope to venture down to Hiroshima and some other surrounding cities. Then, it's back up to Tokyo on Friday to finish off the trip, perhaps with a day trip to Mt. Fuji.

* I decided to sign up for an online travel writing class. Technical writing has been a bit blah lately, so I figured that this class might get the neurons firing.

* Still knitting of course. I've finished a scarf and a few hats which I'll take pics of soon.


Bubba Harmon said...

Oh, a travel writing class? That sounds interesting. The site that I take photos for is trying to get me to write more for them, as well as take the photos, but I find it really tough to do. Hmmm, maybe I should take a class.

CherryDeGrassi said...

Here's a link to the various writing classes that are available: http://www.ed2go.com/nvccan/online_courses/CW/Creative_Writing.html

The class just started on Wednesday so it's not too late to join. :)