Thursday, October 1, 2009

Arm Warmers

Cyclist have been wearing arm warmers for years, and it's just recently that runners have started using them as well. "Why not just wear a long-sleeved shirt?" you ask. Besides the fact that I love trying out new gear, there are some practical reasons.

During a race you don’t have to worry about transferring your bib number from your LS shirt to the T or tank you have on underneath. Also, despite having mastered walking and chewing gum at the same time, taking a LS shirt off without losing my fuel belt (that holster looking thingy that holds my hydration and gels) and keeping my hat and sunglasses on can present a challenge – especially if it’s during a race with 30,000 other people. The sleeves are kind of like windows. If I get too warm I roll them down to my wrist for more ventilation. If I start getting cold I just pull them back up. No flailing arms. No dropped hats and sunglasses. No having to apologize to all the people I elbow.

I couldn’t decide between the giraffe and tattoo print so I got both pairs.

1 comment:

M. said...

HAHA! Both are great!