Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cookie anyone?

For whatever reason, I'm now getting Cookie magazine in the mail. I've never heard of it, but it touts itself as "the stylish parenting magazine for the new mom". Uhhhh... I think I'm missing something.


Jenny Igoe said...

This happened to me about a year ago, when I suddenly started getting Field & Stream. I am nearly the polar opposite of their target audience. :) I saw a couple of online stories about similar experiences, and apparently magazine publishers sometimes pick people completely at random to get free "trial periods" of their magazine. I will always wonder what list they got my name off, though, because on the label my first name was "Jennif." :)

--Jenny I.

Bubba Harmon said...

Could be worse. Peg is getting real upset that she keeps getting AARP offers and class schedules for Elderhostel.

CherryDeGrassi said...

LOL! A few years ago I kept getting Latina magazine. It looked interesting, but of course all I could do was look at the pictures.