Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Benched :-(

As mentioned in my last post, I rolled my ankle on Saturday. On Monday, Mandy and I went out for a great trail run on the Potomac Heritage Trail near Algonkian Park. While out on the trail, I rolled the same ankle again. After a quick "ouch" and a few of my finest profanities, I shook it off and kept on running. Yesterday I had some unusual numbness and tingling in my toes so I decided to get my ankle/foot checked out today to make sure I don't cause any permanent damage.

No visual swelling or bruising: good. Pressing on the outside of ankle: no pain, good. The first press on the front of my ankle caused a little jerk, but I figured/hoped that I was just ticklish there. The second press was more conclusive and resulted in a jump and a snarl. Turns out that my two little ankle rolls stretched the talofibular ligament that runs along the front. No running until the tingling and the tenderness go away which could take up to SIX weeks. Boo hoo hoo.

I'm supposed to do a 22-miler this weekend and was going to do a field trip to the C&O Canal on Sunday. Plus I've got a practice trail run next weekend and my first trail race in a few weeks. I'm sorry, but this injury thing just doesn't fit into my schedule. Tonight I will break out my magic wand (or sacrifice a goat as my sister would tease me) and make all this silliness go away.

1 comment:

M. said...

Looks like it's time to get a bike! Oh, and get well soon!