Saturday, February 13, 2010

Maybe I am from Mars

Steve got me a Garmin! He bought one for himself a few weeks ago and he knew I've been wanting one especially since my Polar HR monitor has been on the fritz lately. He swears this isn't a "VD" Day gift. Still, I can't help but feel that maybe I'm from Mars and he's from Venus.

I plan to try my new toy out on tomorrow's run. We'll be running the same 4.7 mile route that we ran today, but instead of the 4 loops we did today, we'll only be running 2 loops. Yes - running the same loop 4 times did get boring. Unfortunately, it's slim-pickins since the snow has covered the W&OD, the C&O canal is closed off, and the trails at Great Falls have about 30 inches according the friendly park ranger I spoke to yesterday.

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