Friday, September 25, 2009

Twisted Curiosity

I did it. I signed up for my first ultra-marathon – the Capon Valley 50K (31 mile) trail race in Yellow Spring, WV.

What is wrong with you? Why would you want to do this?

After finishing a handful of marathons, I suppose I wanted a new challenge. Sure, I could just try to improve my marathon time and I do still plan to work on that. A trail ultra has a raw appeal to it that’s akin to hugging a lion. No, it can’t kill me unless I fall off the mountain, but there’s definitely something intimidating about it that stirs up feelings of anxiety. Maybe it’s the longer distance. Maybe it’s having to run through forests and streams and up mountains. Maybe it’s not having the convenience of the port-o-potty every five miles and encountering a bear when nature does call. Even though it’s only 5 more miles than a marathon, there’s a possibility that I won’t finish within the 8 hour time limit.

Many of the ultra race reports I’ve read talk about the highs and lows that runners feel during a race. A lot of people say that ultras stir up all your self doubts and cause them to bubble up to the surface. I believe it. But they also say that the sense of accomplishment knowing that you gave it their physical, mental, and emotional all is unmatched. I suppose it’s my twisted curiosity to find out if they’re right that makes me want to give it a try.

The race isn’t until May 8th, 2010 but I’ve paid my registration fee and even have reservations at the B&B that is at the start/finish area. Now all I have to do is train.

1 comment:

Bubba Harmon said...

I hear banjo faster!