Monday, September 14, 2009

In a New York Minute

Saturday - After the trail race, I quickly showered, ate lunch, and packed before heading up to MD to pick up my brother, sister, and BIL. We were meeting our cousin Ollie from Belgium and his friends in NYC. They were visiting NYC for the week and Saturday night was the only time all of us could meet up. So up the NJ Turkpike we went. We checked into our hotel room in NJ, hopped on the bus to NYC, and met Ollie and his friend Joris in front of Toys R Us in Times Square at 8:00pm.

We only had a few hours to spend with them so we ventured over to the Hard Rock Cafe for some chow and Stella Artoise in honor of our Belgian guests. Ollie's lady friends joined us a few hours after they had gotten their fill of Macy's (5 hours worth!). They don't have big department stores in Belgium so the gals had a great time shopping American-style. An exhausting day, but worth it to see Ollie and company.

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