Thursday, August 7, 2008

Track workouts are like church

When I was a kid, I used to do anything I could to get out of going to church and CCD (Sunday school). Fake an illness. Pretend to be sleeping. Lose a shoe.

I'm now finding myself trying to come up with an excuse to miss the track workout tonight. We're scheduled to do a 2-miler followed by 4-8 400 meters. Steve's in Winchester so he can't make it so that doesn't help with my motivation. I can't sleep in tomorrow like I normally do after a track night because I have to be in DC for a class.

As you as my witness I'm forcing myself to go because I know I'll feel better when it's over. Besides, I've had coffee from Starbucks every morning this week so my pants are guaranteed to be uncomfortable if I don't get my tush running. Plus I have a 20K this weekend and I'll be pissed at myself if I don't beat last year's time. Amen. Allelujia.

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