Friday, August 15, 2008

I touched a Wii

A co-worker asked me to be on her team for the company Wii bowling league so I got to play for the first time EVER. (Yes, I am behind the times.) My Wii Mii even has a mole above her lip like real me. We played a trial game during lunch as just like in real life, I'm a disgrace to the bowling community. My final score: 85.


Anonymous said...

A company Wii bowling league? How cool is that! :)

(I've never used one, either, but then I haven't used any kind of game console since Atari in the 80's. *grin*)


Bubba Harmon said...

Hmmm, Wii bowling league? Our Wii Olympics went pretty well so maybe Wii should try that too.