Sunday, July 13, 2008

Barbe-poo & Other Weekend Happenings

Saturday - 16-miler on the W&OD where I ran into my former company's HR guy. Also ran into the owner of our gym who I was thankful to see was as disgusting and sweaty as I was. Trekked over to Gainsville to pick up Steve's race packet for the Montclair tri then off to Potomac River Running for a new pair of shoes that will hopefully get me through the rest of the summer's training.

Sunday - Steve had a triathlon in Montclair (near Woodbridge) on Sunday. While waiting for him to come in from the run, I saw this on the other side of the trail.

If you can't figure out what you're looking at, it's the remains of a port-o-potty fire. The trees behind the port-o-potties were also scorched. Being that I hold my breath or plug my nose anytime I have to go into one of these suckers, I'm glad I wasn't around to catch a whiff of that fire. My theory was that lightning hit the nearby powerline which fell on these unfortunate facilities. Other theories: explosive diarrhea.

Steve did finish the tri just fine even though the lake was too warm (82-86 degrees) for wetsuits. Spent the rest of the afternoon at Helen's pool and feasted on some crab legs and steak while the thunderstorm swept through Leesburg.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe this was caused by a very gassy construction worker. I mean, really, who else uses these things. Blech!