Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Marsan Cap and Summer Flies Shawl

It's time for a craft update! I knit this Marsan Watchcap pattern for my cousin John. It'll be his first winter in the U.S. so I figured he'd need something to keep his head warm. The design is pretty simple, but I liked that the hat folds up and does double-duty to keep your ears warm. 

I finally knit this Summer Flies shawl. Considering the blustery weather we've been having lately, I'd say that summer is long gone. The pattern is very well-written and easy to follow. I decided to use Naturally Caron Country yarn in silver service since I already had a few skeins. The yarn looked to have a slight shine to it, but unfortunately it ended up looking more drab than fab after it was knit. 


M. said...

The shawl looks amazing!!!

Jennifer F. said...

Hello! I ran across this post on Ravelry. I am a beginner and am starting this shawl using the Naturally Caron Country yarn as well. I'm having trouble getting the correct gauge. I went up to a 10.5 needle. Do you remember what needle size you used? I think your shawl looks great! Thanks!