Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Highlights

Our niece Maddy on Christmas Eve sporting the hat that I made her:

The annual kids on the stairs picture at Mom and Dad's house on Christmas Day with our cousin John, the newest "kid" in the family:

Nerf dart guns with human targets:

Chris realizing that her White Elephant gift is the Shake Weight:

If you haven't seen the infomercial for the Shake Weight, it looks pretty obscene. Each person was only supposed to spend $10 on their gift, but Steve thought the extra money would be worth the laugh... and he was right. Here's a video of Chris being a good sport and entertaining the rest of us. Yes, that's me cackling uncontrollably.

Hope everyone had a fun Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Marsan Cap and Summer Flies Shawl

It's time for a craft update! I knit this Marsan Watchcap pattern for my cousin John. It'll be his first winter in the U.S. so I figured he'd need something to keep his head warm. The design is pretty simple, but I liked that the hat folds up and does double-duty to keep your ears warm. 

I finally knit this Summer Flies shawl. Considering the blustery weather we've been having lately, I'd say that summer is long gone. The pattern is very well-written and easy to follow. I decided to use Naturally Caron Country yarn in silver service since I already had a few skeins. The yarn looked to have a slight shine to it, but unfortunately it ended up looking more drab than fab after it was knit. 

Army-Navy Game

This past weekend Steve and I hosted my family's annual Army-Navy football game get-together. 

The little guy in front of me is Gino, my cousin Dina's 4-year old son who she adopted from the Philippines a few years ago. He's kinda awesome.

My immediate family knows that Jesus and I have been on a break so I'm sure that seeing a nativity set in my house puzzles them. (Steve likes having it out at Christmas, so we set it out for decor.) Sometime during their visit, baby Jesus was visited not only by the three wise men, but also by the pooping reindeer and Buddha who came bearing a soccer ball.

This is why drinking and decorating don't mix.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Last weekend we decided to check out the ICE! at the National Harbor. This year's theme was How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Pretty cool - figuratively and literally. They keep the place at a nippy 9 degrees. By the end of the exhibit I was more than thankful for the parkas they make you wear.