Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Traveling Woman

My Tita Joy (that's aunt for you non-Flips) moved to the U.S. from the Philippines (yes, legally) a few months ago. I came across this Traveling Woman shawl pattern and thought that it would be a perfect gift for her. Not only will it keep her warm, but I thought the name was appropriate considering her big move to the West. 

I was a little worried about how much time I spent knitting this shawl when I first saw it after I finished the pattern. Quite bumpy and misshapen don't you think? I know, the harsh sunlight was a bad move on my part when I took the pic.

Just like a shower is refreshing after a long, hard run, blocking does wonders for a knitted piece. Here's the same shawl after it was washed and air dried.

I hope she likes it (and I hope she doesn't stumble upon this blog before Christmas).

1 comment:

maricellina said...

Wow! That looks amazing! Great work!