Thursday, September 9, 2010

Featherweight Cardigan

After months of working on this project, I finally finished the Featherweight Cardigan I started back in July. The pattern itself was very easy to follow and consisted of knits, purls, and a few increases; definitely a good project for a beginner. More experienced knitters would probably get bored with project pretty quickly, but it's simplicity made it a no-brainer to work on while I watched TV.

I had the Brown Sheep Cotton Fine yarn left over from another project that I had frogged and wasn't sure how'd it would work with the pattern. Turns out it was the perfect weight and gave the cardi that breezy quality that makes it perfect for those cool summer nights. Next time I think I'll use a darker color since my clothing somehow tends to be a magnet for marinara, ketchup, red wine, and chocolate ice cream.

While I think it turned out pretty well for being my first cardi, it does have a few "character flaws" that I'll have to fix the next time I knit this pattern. You'll probably notice that the left sleeve is a smidge shorter than the right one. Another, more annoying, mistake I made was that I didn't pick up enough stitches at the collar's edge. I probably should have picked up another one or two stitches at the edges of the collar so that the collar edge was more even with the bottom hem of the cardi. Oh well. There's always next time.