Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cardigan Gone Bad

Remember that cardigan I started waaay back in May? Well, I've continued to work on it off and on even though I'm actually really bored with the pattern. Even though it's not done, the other day I finally got to a point where I could sort of try on the cardigan.

The front is meh. It's too big for me even though I thought I got the gauge down before I started. I'm disappointed in how it hangs; not very flattering at all. I've been really frustrated with this pattern because it doesn't include any pictures at all for how the piece is supposed to come together. There are a few people on raverly who are knitting this same cardi, but they haven't posted any pics to show their progress so I've been winging it. (Maybe they were bored with the pattern too?)

The deal-breaker for this patter was when I saw the back. Something has gone awfully wrong. I realize I'm not done with the piece yet, but something tells me that nothing I do is going to take care of that gaping hole in the middle of the back.

Part of me would like to make this right and frog (rip it) the offending section of the cardigan. I've spent a lot of time on this sucker to abandon it now. BUT, the pattern is soooo boring, the instructions are so not helpful, and even if I do manage to fix it, it's still going to be too big for me. So for now, this project will go into hibernation. Nighty night.

1 comment:

M. said...

Maybe you can get one of those big thick belts to tie the front, then get a nice flowly scarf to cover up the back neckline?