Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We've Moved

Thanks for having us Blogger! The Grasshut and Donkey blog is now at www.grassihut.com.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

BRR (not to be confused with Brrrr)

Ever since I finished Tussey I've been reluctant to commit to any running-related events. It's hard to say whether it's because I'm bored, burnt out, lazy, or some combination of all of the above. I attempted to register for the Hashawha 50k a few weeks ago and ended up having to put my name on the wait list because the event filled up so quickly. "C'est la vie" I thought.

When lottery entry for the Bull Run Run (BRR) 50-miler opened up last week, I half-heartedly put my name on the list. Entry is limited to 350 runners and with 600+ people on the list, I figured that if I didn't get in then it just wasn't meant to be. And I was perfectly okay with not getting in. In fact, a part of me was actually hoping not to get in so that I wouldn't have to buckle down and start training again. In the back of my mind I knew that this likely meant one thing: I would get into BRR because that's how the universe likes to screw with me.

The VHTRC has a very involved process for determining who gets in. I was just about to put an extra topping of whipped cream on my hazelnut hot chocolate yesterday afternoon when Mandy broke the "great" news to me. We both got into BRR. Oh, and to top things off, I got an email from the Hashawha 50k's race director to let me know that a slot opened up and that I could now run. Thanks... I think.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fish Hat

I was waiting for this hat to dry and laughed when I saw that Bubba posted a picture of someone Hermie who had just made this fish hat that you can get from Knitty. It's a great pattern that's easy to follow and a great way to use up scrap yarn. I didn't like the way the eyes looked on the original so I crocheted my fish's eyes and eyeballs.

Look Bubba and Peg!

I'm using the stitch markers that you gave me for Christmas.

Thanks again!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nothing to See Here

No exciting news to share with you all so here are some pictures that I found over the weekend.

I'm not sure where to begin with this first picture of my sister and I. The socks? The shoes? The hideous dress? The hair? Judging by the, "You gotta be kidding" look on my face, I'm perturbed about something.

My sister was a tad bossy as a child. Here's her giving her most threatening Care Bear stare.

Our love of food starts at an early age as evidenced by these pics.